I'm happy to say that we put up some fine numbers in Flint today. We visited around 85 homes this day and of those, 38 were full RRST visits and 47 were water deliveries with 13 teams deployed through the city of Flint with every team coming back to base without nary a problem. This doesn't even count the many folks who fund raised for us for bottled water and those who caravanned to Flint to bring the water to where it needed to be. Strong, strong effort!

We also had an incredible showing of veterans and first time staff today who came from all over including Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Bath, Traverse City, Cheboygan, Chicago, and Flinttown to do the work no one else will. So damned proud of this incredible group of wildcats. None finer in this theatre of operations. None finer anywhere.